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Journey For Justice 2002-2003

Archive Directory

To view narrative reports, press coverage and photographs of our past Journey for Justice visits, follow the links below.

Journey for Justice: Autumn, 2003

Portland, OR: August 12-13, 2003 (photos)
Phoenix, AZ: September 20-26, 2003 (photos)
Detroit, MI: October 3-4, 2003 (report & press)
Tacoma, WA: November 16, 2003 (photos)

Journey for Justice: Spring, 2003

Omaha, NE: January 18, 2003 (photos)
Tallahassee, FL: January 25, 2003 (photos)
Valdosta, GA: January 25, 2003 (press & photos)
Orlando, FL: (UCF NORML) January 29, 2003 (photos)
Orlando, FL: (Valencia CC) January 30, 2003 (report, press & photos)
Melbourne, FL: February 1, 2003 (photos)
Miami, FL: February 8, 2003 (photos)
Ft. Lauderdale, FL: February 9, 2003 (photos)
Tampa, FL: February 11, 2003 (Criminal Justice Forum radio show with host Frank Kopczynski, featuring Nora Callahan, Chuck Armsbury and John Chase of the November Coalition. Windows Media Player required.)
Jacksonville FL: February 12, 2003 (photos)
Savannah, GA: February 17, 2003 (press & photos)
Charleston, SC: February 19, 2003 (photos)
Orlando, FL: February 21-23, 2003 (photos)
Tampa, FL: February 27, 2003 (photos)
Hillsbourough, NC: March 2, 2003 (photos)
Durham, NC: March 7, 2003 (photos)
Black Mountain, NC: March 9, 2003 (photos)
Montgomery, AL: March 18, 2003 (report & photos)
Mobile, AL: March 22, 2003 (photos)
New Orleans, LA: Critical Resistance Conference, April 4 - 6, 2003 (photos)
Houston, TX: April 8, 2003 (photos)
Austin, TX: April 10, 2003 (photos)
Dallas, TX: April 13, 2003 (photos)

Journey for Justice: Autumn 2002

Ann Arbor and Detroit, MI:- October 11 - 13, 2002 (reports, press and photos)
FCI Raybrook,NY and FMC Devens, MA: - October 17 - 18, 2002 (reports and photos)
Wesleyan Univ. and New Haven, CT: October 21 - 22, 2002 (reports, press and photos)
New York City: October 25 - 26, 2002 (photos)
Philadelphia, PA: October 29 - 30, 2002 (photos)
Trenton, NJ: October 30, 2002 (press)
Washington, DC: November 1, 2002 (reports, press and photos)
Bethesda, MD: November 3, 2002 (photos)
Alderson and Morgantown, WV: November 8 - 10, 2002 (reports and photos)
Cass County, MI and Rainbow Farm: November 12, 2002 (reports, press and photos)
Madison, WI: November 13, 2002 (photos)
Yankton and Rapid City, SD: November 16 - 18, 2002 (photos)

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