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Report: Victims of the Drug War Candlelight Vigil
State Capital, Montgomery, AL

From Loretta Nall, Alabama Marijuana Party - March 18, 2003

Welcome my fellow Alabamians to the first ever drug-war protest in Montgomery Alabama. I am Loretta Nall, founder and president of The Alabama Marijuana Party.

We are here tonight to remember our fellow Americans who are locked away in prison, whose families are less one mom or one dad, and those who have been killed in this never-ending and horribly failed War on Drugs.

Because of the War on Drugs America has become a police state.

It has become a place where you can no longer disagree with government policy without facing persecution.

It has become a place where police officers question little kids in school about what their parents are doing at home.

It has become a place where you can lose your career, your home, your land, your money and your children because of what the government found in your urine.

The American government has no business in our bladders!

Because we choose to consume a natural plant that is less dangerous than alcohol and tobacco our government has declared war on us.

Since when does the government own the minds and bodies of it citizens? We run the government...We do NOT run FROM the Government!

This is America and unquestionable authority is OUT! We don't do unquestionable authority here.

We are not shady characters. We are your friends, your family and your neighbors. We are Americans. We are patriotic citizens.

We firmly believe in the principals this country was founded on. Principals like Liberty, Justice and Freedom! We hate anyone and anything that would corrupt or beloved system. We are prepared to defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic!

For media coverage including Loretta's interview with Montgomery TV News, visit her site at: http://alabamamjparty.tripod.com

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