Untitled Document

A Brief History of The Journeys For Justice

1997 - 2000: Journey for Justice in Florida

Medical marijuana patients, some in wheelchairs and even rolling beds, and prison activists travel hundreds of miles in the Southeast to take their message to their elected officials and the nation.

For more, see:


2000: Journey for Justice in Texas

Week long march calls for cease-fire in the war on drugs

The Journey highlighted the overwhelming incarceration rate of nonviolent people, police and prison guard abuses in the name of the drug war, and the need for medical marijuana for the ill.

For more, see:


2002 - 2004: Journey For Justice Across The USA

Members of the November Coalition embark on two cross-country road trips, meeting in churches, homes, public offices, and in front of the US Capitol, meeting and organizing with thousands across the country working to end the war on drugs.

For more, see:


2005: Journey For Justice - March On Washington, DC

Representatives from over 100 grassroots organizations from across the nation meet in Lafayette Park, in front of The White House, calling for an end to the mindless grinding of the American Prison/Military Industrial Complex.

For more, see:


Journey for Justice Number 7
Throughout Summer 2006

A bicycle protest of marijuana prohibition, the drug war, and mass imprisonment of non-violent people. Rider Ken Locke departs Charleston Beach, SC on Friday, April 7th, 2006 - Destination California, where Ken Locke's medicine is almost legal. Then on to the Washington State Hempfests.

See www.angelfire.com/planet/bikeride for details

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