Untitled Document

Organizing a Journey for Justice Event: Writing a News Release

Organizing Journey Events
Journey Event Introduction
Organizing a Public Event
Find a Journey Leader

Register as a Journey XActivist
Types of Meetings
XSpeaker's Forum
XDiscussion Group
XPrivate Meeting
XMedia Appearance

Technical Assistance
Choosing a Meeting Location
Order Supplies

Publicity - You Want It!
XGetting an Audience
XYou and the Media
XNewspaper Listing
XRadio/TV Bulletin (PSA)
XNews Releases & Samples
XDesigning Flyers/Posters
XUsing Mail and Phone
XUsing the Internet!
XPublicizing a Journey Event XXon our Website

Sign-up Sheets/Petitions
Phone Tree
Volunteer Questionnaire

Grassroots Organizing
Getting Started
Starting a Local Group
Expanding Your Network
The First Meeting
Forming a Family Group

Making a Display

Vigil, Rally, Demonstrate
Presenting a Video Series

Reading Room
Intro & Contents
Media Resources
10 Tips to End the Drug War
Becoming an Activist

Communication Skills
Closing Your Letters/Memos
Tax Credits for Volunteers
Working with Legislators
Honest Hope and
XThe Hundredth Monkey
Overcoming Masculine

Adapted from; used with permission
Bottoms Up Version 1.0
©2001, 2003


10 Things You Can Do to Help End the Drug War

1. Care - The drug war goes on because too many good people don't do something to stop it.

2. Realize - You are important, and you have the power to do something and cause things to change.

3. Communicate - If you can communicate that caring, hope and power to your family, friends and neighbors and encourage them to do the same, pretty soon we have a critical mass to cause major change.

4. Write - Write letters to newspapers, Congress, governors, people you read about who are doing both good and bad things. Cultivate the feeling that we can win.

5. Study - Know the facts so that you can communicate them clearly.

6. Connect - Find the people in your area who think similarly and spend some time talking, planning and giving each other hope.

7. Be visible - So many people are afraid to even think about what is happening, so when they see some people not afraid, it allows possibilities to grow in their hearts and minds.

8. Be reasonable - The other side is often shrill and robotic, and we generally win just by our calm and reasoned demeanor.

9. Stay clean - The other side has a lot of political power and is just waiting for a chance to squash us.

10. Be in contact - We must never let our elected officials forget that what they are doing is hideously wrong and immoral and that the day is coming when they are going to be out of office because of their mean, hypocritical behavior.


  End the Drug War!