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Please print out, complete and mail the following form to:
The November Coalition, 795 South Cedar, Colville, WA 99114
Your purchase, gift and membership are tax deductible! Thank you.

Four That Got Away Order Form

My Contact Information:




qXI would like to become a member of the November Coalition

Annual Dues $25 - Students $15 - Prisoners $6 (Includes a subscription to our newspaper, The Razor Wire)


Four That Got Away Display
(Includes four politician laminates, 10 prisoner laminates (your set may contain different prisoners than those shown), and 2 over-sized laminated posters)

qXRent the Four That Got Away Display

Your rental fee covers shipping and handling, both directions. You are responsible for returning the display to our office in a timely manner, complete and undamaged. Replacement cost is $250.00.
Return Date (if renting):
qXPurchase the Four That Got Away Display (Please allow 3 weeks.)


Four That Got Away Broadsides



q ___Quantities of 25

$3.50 ea.

q ___Quantities of 50

$6.00 ea.

q ___Quantities of 100

$11.00 ea.

Membership $____________________

Broadsides $_____________________

Display $________________________

Total Enclosed $______________________

Thank You!

November Coalition is a non-profit, grassroots organization that depends on membership donations to develop public educational programs that promote dramatic reform of punitive drug laws. Since the group's founding in 1997 by prisoners and their family members, the Coalition has grown into a national group of volunteers actively educating others where they live.

Working to end drug war injustice

Meet the People Behind The U.S. Sentencing Guidelines

The Internet Our Website

Questions or problems? Contact webmaster@november.org
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